Comment To: [pshaiCmd] SuperInput


Ok just to drain the regular folks talk out of you | show how little I know | try to bridge the gap between:

what is obvious to you and is still very vague territory to many…
Would using this instead for every Input make sense?
In the sense: Can’t hurt to always use SuperInput vs regular Input.

 if SuperInput "only makes things faster never slower" then
Upgrade the default Input command: to enhanced (super)Input.
return Input
If super is not always better then
Log [array content}

Please list some Inputs everyone uses: [categorise or label as I, Input or SI, SuperInput]
So users who are not the king, tron or the wizard.
Get a still not set in stone but better idea which “stuff” calculates and whatever magics..
And may or may not qualify for using SuperInput over regular Input.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Kobalt.

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